Monday, June 12, 2006

News: The Pretender Season 4

Season 4 of The Pretender will be released on DVD July 18th, 2006. The S4 DVD set can be pre-ordered at, or other DVD sites. Special features of this set include a commentary of 'Til Death Do Us Part by Andrea Parker, 'Pretender' co-creators Steven Long Mitchell and Craig W. Van Sickle and Tommy Thompson. Artwork for S4, and other news can be viewed at

The DVD is being released on July 18th which, coincidentally is National Ice Cream Day in the US. Jarod loved ice cream so why not have an ice-cream party to celebrate your new DVD set...make sure to invite some friends and you can watch S4 with them while you enjoy a delicious cone in honor of Jarod!

Links: The Pretender Toolbar | Fox Forum | Campaign Third Pretender Movie | Centre For Pretender Fanatics

Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Pretender

A new Pretender group has been created at Check it out at

Links: The Pretender Toolbar | Fox Forum | The Pretender Map

Check out our Pretender Frappr!